
What Does It Mean to Be a Canweller?

Thoughts from a Canwell employee

“As a Canweller, it is not just about selling products. it is about being a part of a company that truly cares about people’s well-being. “

“Technology for Health.” the line hangs high on Canwell’s factory gate. I saw it the day I went there to apply for a job as a salesperson, and I have been thinking about it since the job started. I hate to think that I’m just a salesperson, whose end goal is to make himself rich by selling a massive amount of products. I believe in a possibility beyond that. I believe my mission is to deliver the best tools to doctors, helping them ease their patients’ pain and suffering. And every second on the job I should spend on making that a reality.

Every day, I wake up with a sense of purpose. I know that the medical devices I sell could mean the difference between pain and comfort for someone out there. That’s why I spend hours upon hours studying the intricacies of each product. learning about its features and advantages, and understanding how it can help doctors in their practices.

As I walked through the factory gates, I felt a sense of pride in the work I was doing. I knew that every product that was being manufactured in the factory had the potential to change someone’s life. And it was up to me to ensure that the right products made it to the right hands.

I remember I walked through the bustling factory floor, with workers diligently working on different machines, assembling the various medical products that Canwell was known for. The air was filled with the sound of machines and the faint smell of chemicals.

I remember the first time I saw a doctor use one of our products in surgery. It was a CanSLP Proximal Lateral Tibial Locking Plate(link here), and I watched as the doctor used it to support and maintain the articular surface of a patient’s lateral tibial plateau. The procedure was a success, and the patient’s road to recovery was smoother because of our product.

Meaning of being a Canweller

It’s moments like those that remind me of the importance of my job. As a Canweller, it’s not just about selling products. It’s about being a part of a company that truly cares about people’s well-being. We are constantly innovating and improving our products to make them more effective and efficient. So that doctors can provide the best care possible for their patients.

Being a Canweller means being part of a team that is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. It means being passionate about healthcare and technology and using that passion to make a difference in people’s lives. It means striving for excellence in everything we do because we know that every product we make has the potential to change someone’s life for the better.

So, when I see the words “Technology for health” on the factory gate, I know that it’s more than just a catchy slogan. It’s a belief that we all share at Canwell, and it’s a reminder of the importance of our work. And as a Canweller, I am proud to be a part of a company that is making a difference in the world, one product at a time.

Apr 4, 2023

Jeffery Hu

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